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Dr.-Ing. Bharath Navalpakkam

Alumnus of the Pattern Recognition Lab of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

provide creative solutions to enhance the diagnostic value of medical images

Sept 03 - May 07 

Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronics, Anna University, Chennai.

Sept 07 - Nov 09

Erasmus Mundus student Msc. in Information and Communication Technologies (MERIT), from Universite Catholique de Louvain(UCL), Belgium and Karlsruher Institut für Technologie(KIT), Germany.

Feb 09 - Nov 09 

Research Trainee at Philips Research in Hamburg.

Master Thesis : Atlas Construction: Towards the Detection and Segmentation of Lesions in Oncological PET/CT Images

Feb 10 - Aug 10

Marie Curie Early stage Researcher at CREATIS lab , INSA Lyon, France.

Oct 10 - current

Doctoral student at Pattern Recognition Lab, Friedrich Alexander Universität, Erlangen funded by IMPRS Max Planck Socitey