Monday | 8:00 - 12:15 |
Tuesday | 8:00 - 16:45 |
Wednesday | 8:00 - 16:45 |
Thursday | 8:00 - 16:45 |
Friday | 8:00 - 12:15 |
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
Lehrstuhl für Informatik 5 (Mustererkennung)
Martensstr. 3
91058 Erlangen
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Computer Vision Kolloqium [CVK]
Dates & Rooms:Wednesday, 13:00 - 14:30; Room: 09.150
During the Winter Semester 2009-2010 we will be reviewing methods for extracting 3D structure from arbitrary images.
Tentative Plan
Date | Presenter | Topic |
23.09.09 | Group discussion | C. E. Rasmussen, "The Infinite Gaussian Mixture Model," Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems Vol. 12, 2000. pp. 554-560.
| 07.10.09 | Elli Angelopoulou Christian Riess | Summary of ICCV 2009. | 21.10.09 | Group Discussion | D. Hoiem, A. A. Efros and M. Hebert, "Recovering Surface Layout from an Image," International Journal of Computer Vision, Vol. 75, No. 1, 2007, pp. 151-172. | 28.10.09 | Group Discussion | D. Hoiem, A. A. Efros and M. Hebert, "Recovering Surface Layout from an Image," International Journal of Computer Vision, Vol. 75, No. 1, 2007, pp. 151-172. | 04.11.09 | Johannes Jordan Christian Riess | Open CV v2.0, Code and database organization | 25.11.09 | Daniel Melzer Philipp Nordhus Christian Riess | Short Presentation: Analysis and Classification of Sensor Data in a Running Study Short Presentation: Multiple Target Tracking based on Particle Filters Database organization | 02.12.09 | Elli Angelopoulou Christian Riess | Summary of ICIP 2009. | 09.12.09 | Nico Nonne | Final Presentation: Stress, Biosignals and Cognition. | 16.12.09 | Sandra Tuexen | Final Presentation: Analysis and Classification of Gyroscopic Sensor Data. | 23.12.09 | Group discussion | D. Hoiem, A. Stein, A. A. Efros and M. Hebert, "Recovering Occlusion Boundaries from a Single Image," International Conference on Computer Vision 2007. | 13.01.10 | Group discussion | V. Nedovic, A.W. Smeulders, A. Redert and J.-M. Geusebroek, "Depth Information by Stage Classification," International Conference on Computer Vision, 2007. | 20.01.10 | Group discussion | V. Nedovic, A.W. Smeulders, A. Redert and J.-M. Geusebroek, "Stages as Models of Scene Geometry," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2010. | 27.01.10 | Group discussion Dr. Dirk Bartz | A. Torralba and A. Oliva, "Depth Estimation from Image Structure", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 24, no. 9, 2002. SAOT Seminar: "Visual Computing for Complex Datasets" | 03.02.10 | Vincent Christlein Group discussion | Final Presentation: Copy-Move Forgery Detection A. Torralba and A. Oliva, "Depth Estimation from Image Structure", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 24, no. 9, 2002. | 10.02.10 | Manuel Meyer Group discussion | Final Presentation: Chromatic Aberration D. C. Lee, M. Hebert and T. Kanade, "Geometric Reasoning from Single Image Structure Recovery," Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2009. | 17.02.10 | Group discussion | V. Hedau, D. Hoiem and D. Forsyth, "Recovering the Spatial Layout of Cluttered Rooms," International Conference on Computer Vision, 2009. | 24.02.10 | Katrin Giese Group discussion | Short Presentation: Stress, Biosignals and Feedback A. Saxena, S. H. Chung and A.Y. Ng, "Learning Depth from Single Monocular Images," Neural Information Processing Systems, 2005.
| 03.03.10 | Group discussion | Camera characteristics: CCD/CMOS, gamma correction, multispectral sensors. | 10.03.10 | Philipp Nordhus Group discussion | Final Presentation: Multiple Object Tracking based on Particle Filters A. Saxena, M. Sun and A.Y. Ng, "Make3d: Learning 3d Scene Structure from a Single Still Image," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 31, no. 5, 2009. | 17.03.10 | Group discussion | A. Saxena, M. Sun and A.Y. Ng, "Make3d: Learning 3d Scene Structure from a Single Still Image," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 31, no. 5, 2009. | 24.03.10 | Daniel Melzer Group discussion | Final Presentation: Analysis and Classification of Sensor Data in a Running Study P. F. Felzenszwalb and D.P. Huttenlocher, "Efficient Graph-Based Image Segmentation," International Journal of Computer Vision, Vol. 59, No. 2, 2004, pp. 167-181. |