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Forschungs- & Hochschulpraktikum

Medical Engineering students are required to complete a "Forschungspraktikum" and a "Hochschulpraktikum" within their Master studies. While the "Forschungspraktikum" aims at learning how to perform independent research, the "Hochschulpraktikum" aims at participation in applied research with subsequent presentation of the results as a presentation.

We offer classes, in which both can be completed, such as the "Flat-Panel CT Project". First, students design and implement different reconstruction algorithms such that they are able to reconstruct data that they acquired themselves on a real Scanner. Then a presentation about this is given which allows you to complete the 5 ECTS for the "Hochschulpraktikum". Subsequently, you can select an associated research topic yourself and aim at the completion of the 5 ECTS "Forschungspraktikum".

If you do not manage to find an interesting topic in the courses that we offer, we can also offer individualised projects. In this case, please have a look at our Opens internal link in current windowgroup and Opens internal link in current windowmember pages and try to find a topic of your interest that is begin actively research on at our lab. Please go ahead and directly contact the person who is working on this topic. Then you can use the respective group colloquium to present your results obtained in the "Hochschulpraktikum" to obtain the first 5 ECTS. You can further deepen your research afterwards and write a scientific paper for another 5 ECTS on an extension of your prior work as "Forschungspraktikum".