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Kolloquium Computer Vision [CVK]


Dates & Rooms:
Wednesday, 12:30 - 14:00; Room: 09.150

General Information

A key part of most colloquia is the discussion of seminal or recently published work. The attached document provides guidelines on how to prepare for such a discussion. As a member of this colloquium you are expected to be able to answer the discussion questions described in the reading guidelines.



Tentative Schedule

16.10.2013Sergiu Dotenco
Michael Villamizar, Francesc Moreno-Noguer, Juan Andrade-Cetto, and Alberto Sanfeliu,
"Efficient Rotation Invariant Object Detection using Boosted Random Ferns," CVPR 2010.
23.10.2013Vincent Christlein
Pablo Fernandez Alcantarilla, Adrien Bartoli, and Andrew J. Davison, "KAZE Features," ECCV 2012.
30.10.2013CANCELLEDN O   M E E T I N G
6.11.2013David Bernecker

Honglak Lee, Roger Grosse, Rajesh Ranganath, and Andrew Y. Ng, "Convolutional Deep Belief Networks for Scalable Unsupervised Learning of Hierarchical Representations," International Conference on Machine Learning 2009.


Jessica Magaraggia

Elli Angelopoulou

Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, and Geeoffrey E. Hinton, "ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks," NIPS 2012. 

Wilhelm Haas

Thomas Dean, Mark A. Ruzon, Mark Segal, Jonathon Shlens, Sudheendra Vijayanarasimhan, and Jay Yagnik, "Fast, Accurate Detection of 100,000 Object Classes on a Single Machine," CVPR 2013 (Best Paper Award).

27.11.2013Christian RiessRodrigo Benenson, Markus Mathias, Tinne Tuytelaars and Luc Van Gool, "Seeking the Strongest Rigid Detector," CVPR 2013.
4.12.2013Christoph SeegerSven Wanner and Bastian Goldluecke, "Variational Light Field Analysis for Disparity Estimation and Super-Resolution," IEEE TPAMI 2013.

Daniela Novac 

Julian Seuffert

Final Presentation

Final Presentation


18.12.2013Sebastian RichterFelix Heide, Matthias Hullin, James Gregson, and Wolfgang Heidrich, "Low-Budget Transient Imaging using Photonic Mixer Devices," ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 32, No. 4, Jul 2013.
8.01.2014Sergiu DotencoDominik A. Klein and Armin B. Cremers, "Boosting Scalable Gradient Features for Adaptive Real-Time Tracking," ICRA 2011.
15.01.2014Elli AngelopoulouOrganizational Meeting
22.01.2014David BerneckerFlorent Perronnin and Christopher Dance, "Fisher Kernels on Visual Vocabularies for Image Categorization," CVPR 2007.
29.01.2014Vincent ChristleinHelmut Grabner and Horst Bischof, "On-line Boosting and Vision," CVPR 2006.

Jessica Magaraggia

Stephen Tully, George Kantor and Howie Choset, "Inequality Constrained Kalman Filtering for the Localization and Registration of a Surgical Robot," IROS 2011.

12.02.2014CANCELLEDM A G
19.02.2014Wilhelm Haas Thomas Berg and Peter Belhumeur, "How Do You Tell a Blackbird from a Crow?" ICCV 2013.
26.02.2014Johannes JordanReport from ICCV 2013, ICIP 2013 and visit in Australia
5.03.2014Christoph SeegerRudolph Triebel, Patrick Pfaff and Wolfram Burgard. "Multi-level surface maps for outdoor terrain mapping and loop closing." IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2006.
12.03.2014Sebastian RichterCaglayan Dicle, Mario Sznaier and Octavia Camps, "The Way They Move: Tracking Multiple Targets with Similar Appearance." ICCV 2013.
19.03.2014CANCELLEDCANCELLED due to exams
26.03.2014Sergiu DotencoTBD
02.04.2014Jakob EhrlFinal Presentation